Promoting your Content for traffic

While you may understand the importance of publishing fresh content to your website regularly. Do you actually make an effort to promote these posts? While this may seem like such a simple step, it is one that many blog owners overlook.
After you have created and published your new blog post it takes only seconds to share it. You can share your post on places like Reddit, StumbleUpon, Google+, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest and LinkedIn. There is nothing wrong with sharing your own content and it can help increase your traffic.
Another item that you may have overlooked is letting your mailing list know about your new post. You can either link to it in the main body of your email. Or you can add it as a P.S. at the end of your email. Believe me these tactics work, so start adding them into your marketing tactics today.
You think nothing of promoting affiliate products in your emails, so why not include the link to your latest blog post! You may want to encourage your readers to share your email, another great traffic generating technique.
Content includes more than just written words and text. Don't forget that every image, photo or video you create is also considered content. Always link back to your website with all of these forms of content. When posting photos and images add your website URL to it, as well as writing out a short description. With your videos always link to your website first, then let your viewers know what your video is about.
By linking, adding descriptions and tags your content will get picked up by the search engines. When this happens they will get indexed and ranked for any keywords that you have included. This serves to help push your website higher in the search engine rankings.
Keep in mind that when you rank higher, your page will be shown to more people. This creates fresh traffic to your site regularly. What this also means is that each piece of content is viewed separately by the search engines. So just going back into an older post and adding a photo or video and updating it can help. You don't necessarily have to create a long written post each time.
Posting your content on a regular basis is another way to ensure your flow of traffic doesn't slow down. Stick to a posting schedule that is easy for you to achieve. Have fun creating content and know that each piece will help bring new visitors to your site.



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